Friday, January 25, 2013

Day 1 Off of the Cabbage Soup Diet

Last week, I started the Cabbage Soup "Diet" to kick start my biggest loser challenge, Tough Mudder training, Bridesmaid weight loss, and more healthy lifestyle.

The Cabbage Soup Diet consisted of 7 days of eating various foods, to help deter from unhealthy food cravings and obscenely large portions. 

The Cabbage Soup Diet is a low-fat, high-fiber diet that will help you get into shape fast before you embark on a more moderate long-term eating plan. 

It went pretty well, it was tough not gonna lie, but effective in its own strange way. The soup was delicious and I'm thinking of making it again this weekend to have a supply on hand. One batch lasted the entire 7 days, which helped with my ever depleting wallet. Oh being in your 20's and living downtown.

I altered the soup a good bit by adding more veggies and sauteing to bring out the flavor. I also added in fresh roasted garlic (cause you never can go wrong with garlic).

Soup Recipe:

  • 6 large green onions
  • green peppers (I switched these out for Zucchini)
  • 1 or 2 cans of tomatoes (diced or whole) 
    • The whole tended to not breakdown as much as I wanted. I'm going to use diced next time. 
  • carrots, chopped into bit size pieces
  • 1 container mushrooms
  • 1 bunch of celery
  • whole head of cabbage
  • 1 package spice only soup mix (In the US, Liptons is a good choice) OR 1 or 2 cubes of bouillon - I used Beef and Onion however try to use as low sodium as possible
  • 1 48oz bottle Low Sodium V8 juice (optional). 
  • Season to taste with pepper, parsley, curry, garlic powder, etc. (Little to NO SALT!)
    • This was the hardest part.......
Slice green onions, put in a pot on medium heat and start to saute with cooking spray. Do this until the onions are whiter/clearer in color (about 4-6 minutes). Cut green pepper stem end off, then cut pepper in half to take out the seeds and membrane. Cut the green pepper into bite size pieces and add to pot.
Take the outer leafs layers off the cabbage, cut into bite size pieces, add to pot.
Clean carrots, mushrooms, and celery, cut into bite size pieces and toss them in. Add tomatoes now, too.
For seasonings, you can use a spice soup packet of your choice (no noodles!) or use beef or chicken bouillon cubes. 
Use about 12 cups of water (or 8 cups and the 48 oz of Low Sodium V8 juice), cover and put heat on low. I added in additional water since my acid reflux tends to spike up when I have highly acidic foods like tomatoes. Let soup simmer for a long time – about 2 hours or until vegetables are tender.

soo hearty!

I weighed 2lbs down by the end of the week and felt my food cravings kicked significantly. However my sweets craving, strong as ever. whop wham...

With days like this...all I want is hot chocolate, warm apple pie, and my cabbage soup......

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